Charred WP Theme
This theme is hot off the press and a really cool black 2-column beauty. Charred is the latest edition to Jason’s WP Elements theme collection and I really like it. The Charred WordPress theme features post thumbnails which means you’ll have to use WordPress custom Fields when writing a post. If you’ve never used a custom field before it’s pretty easy to learn. So here’s how it works. When writing a new post you’ll first have to create a 140 x 140 thumbnail image that you want to use for your post. After it’s ready upload it, and then create a new custom field called “thumbnail”. Here’s a screen shot the theme designer provided: You’ll only need to enter the word “thumbnail” into the “Key” field the first time. For each new post after that, it will automatically appear in the drop down box so just select it. The upload your new image, get the image url, and then paste it into the “Value” field. Don’t forget to click the “Update” action button each time. If you want to check out the original post from the author, you can find it here. He includes a couple other custom features like how to change the header logo, etc. Overall this is a great new modern WordPress theme and if you’re looking for a new skin for your site with the ability to add images to each post, this is the one for you.
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